Akhirnya dengan tanpa modal pengetahuan apa-apa tentang barang yang akan dibeli itu, kami dengan bersemangat mencarinya.. Sesampainya di toko komputer, kami bingung sendiri.. modem apa yang bisa ganti-ganti kartu itu? tipe serta merknya apa? Nah looh.. akhirnya setelah setelah browsing2 dari hape di depan toko serta tanya sana-sini akhirnya
Setelah beli modem itu dan kartu Aha, kemudian isi pulsa, ternyataaa... awalnya buka tutup sim card di modemnya susah (tapi akhirnya bisa juga sih setelah berjuang keras
Here we give you the instruction how to update the firmware
1. Extract the firmware file after download
2. Put in the modem PCM100 in to your computer and wait for modem to complete the auto run application process
3. After finish auto run application process, closed the application
4. Run the firmware file
5. After the application firmware is open, wait until the active ready
6. Press button ready of the application firmware and waiting to complete the process up to 100% (not allowed to disconnect the modem before the finish process, because it will cause the modem to be faulty and the guarantee will be void because of this problem)
7. After the process is complete remove the modem from the USB port on your computer
8. Uninstall the application of PCM100 modem in your computer
9. Put in modem to computer and reinstalling again the application until finish
Note: before performing the firmware update, we recommend you to first making sure the komputer not experience any crashes or power goes off, because this can damage the modem when it happens
We hope this explanation we can help you
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[IDWS]Download update firmware modem CDMA Prolink PCM100
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*nanti saya coba mirror di tempat lain lagi deh.. tp cendolnya jangan lupa :p wkwkwk
Niih satu lagi deh mirrornyaa...
[MF]Download update firmware modem CDMA Prolink PCM100
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